Grace Lutheran Church Board Meeting Minutes September 9, 2021
Arnold Heyen, Gary Grinvalds, Miranda Kliment, Allan Pearson, and Esther Jonas were present.
The secretary’s minutes were read and approved. Arnold motioned; Allan seconded.
The treasurer’s report was looked at. There is a balance due of $91,285.61 for the roof and siding.
The steeple and dormers still need to be done. The need to be sanded down and a good paint put on. Another repair is to fix the front door: the front entrance is lapped wrong. The windows look good. There will be a final walk through and the things that are not quite right will be highlighted. There is a little bit of paint on the carpet. The pews will be moved back.
Our harvest breakfast will be at 9:00 on Sunday. The Czech Presbyterian church has been invited.
Our Sunday church services will be as follows: 9:30 Czech and 10:30 Grace. We will have a joint meeting with Czech to discuss it better.
Gary thanked everyone for helping for tuition and he needs money for this new year ( $3,000?) this will be needed by the end of the academic year.
We need to talk with the synod to find a generic mission statement and change it to fit our needs. Ask Kevin to maybe help with that.
For our services maybe go with a year long theme, program or project
An idea of an agape feast (a communal meal shared among Christians) was brought up. We could have a potluck service. This can happen anytime of the year and maybe we could have it the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
We need to have new concrete sidewalks but this can be worked on in the spring.
Respectfully submitted,
Esther Jonas
Topics for next meeting:
Church service times
Agape feast
Year long theme service
Steeple and dormers
Church walk through