Grace Board Meeting March 19, 2023
March 19, 2023
President Miranda Kliment, Arnold Heyen, Gary Grindvalds, Leah Whitcomb, Esther Jonas were present at the meeting.
The minutes were looked over and accepted as correct.
We have finally received a final invoice from South O for $234,987.99. There was a concern on the front door but that was fixed. The top of the steeple was also fixed. It all looks nice. We need to decide what to do with the balance that is left over. Perhaps use the balance for a new electric organ or something else. It will take about $70,000 to fix the pipe organ. The date of March 29th is set to go to Omaha to look at options.
The wiring to the lights are very brittle so those need to be fixed. We need to find an electrician who will go up into the attic above the lights to fix them.
We are now using Google docs to plan our yearly events to make sure that nothing will be missed, that each event will go smoothly and everyone will know what to do and when. A schedule will be made of the events that will be coming up.
We will begin preparations for Palm Sunday and Easter Services. Make sure we have the palms, special music, and flowers.
St. John’s of Yutan was going to have a joint service with us on Memorial Day. We have tabled that date because we have a Memorial Day picnic. Gary will talk with them to set another date.
Respectfully Submitted,
Esther Jonas