Grace Board Meeting August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
Board members who were present were Vicar Gary Grindvalds, Miranda Kliment, Pat Heyen, Arnold Heyen, Esther Jonas.
We began the meeting with a prayer.
The minutes to the last meeting were studied and approved.
Pat Heyen updated the board on the new insurance policy: Our premium is now $8,292.00/$694.25 a month. (Attached with the minutes is the information)
The organ will be installed August 23, 2023. We have paid total thus far: $35,865.00
With a balance of $3,985.00. Pat would like to transfer $7,500.00 from the memorial fund to make sure that we have enough to pay the balance and make our other payments. A motion was made and approved to do so.
The Czech Pres church has voted to sign an agreement with Grace for the next year. They have been very pleased with Gary. They have decided to change to 10:30 year round. Grace will have service at 9:00 year round. (The letter of agreement will be attached to the minutes)
Our annual Lawn Social will be August 27, 2023. We need to look at the Google Doc to see what items we will need to purchase and what we need to do.
In September we will have our fellowship coffee on September 10, 2023. Allan and Judy Pearson will host it. Also we will prepare for the Harvest Breakfast and the Lutheran World Relief kits.
The internship Committee will begin meeting monthly but not said yet on when.
A new member has transferred: Brittney Reinsch who transferred from Zion Evangelical in Sutton, NE to Grace .
Rhonda has the “Red Book” that contains the new members. We need to put all of our important information into a safe for something like that. Pat Heyen has a safe that will work but now we need to move it into the church basement.
We have children who will be meeting for confirmation but we will combine with Zion Lutheran Church. They will begin September 19,2023. They will alternate meetings from Grace to Zion. A t.v. is needed to show videos. We will ask for a donation from the congregation or just buy one from Walmart so we know that it will have all the proper wires and connections.
New business:
Pat informed us that we may want to consider looking at a $10,000 grant from Immanuel Vision Council. She will find out more information about it.
Our next meeting is September 17,2023 after church